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Frequently Asked Questions


questions and answers

Where can Restore Naturals be found?

Restore Naturals can be found in local grocery stores and co-ops (mainly in the Minneapolis area). Click HERE to find a list of stores. We always recommend you call the retailer first to be sure they carry the specific Restore Natural product you are looking for. 

How are the products made?

Restore products are made from renewable, plant-based solvents from soy, orange, corn, and other biodegradable ingredients, which make our products more sustainable and better for the environment. Our ingredients are grey-water, septic and sewer safe and do not create toxic by-products when they degrade.

What makes them different from other cleaning products?

Unlike many conventional cleaners on grocery store shelves and in commercial cleaning closets, restore products contain no hazardous ingredients as defined by osha and contain no known or suspected carcinogens. Many cleaning products contain petroleum solvents, chlorine, ammonia, phosphates or alcohol, butyl ethers or other ingredients that can give off toxic fumes, can irritate the skin, or are even carcinogenic. When tested against 23 other manufacturers who claimed to have environmentally safer products, restore products rated the highest overall score on performance, safety, and environmental standards. We believe that restore products are some of the safest, most effective, earth-friendly cleaning products in the world.

How long have the products been on the market?

Restore products were developed over 30 years ago as our private label line in our retail store. Our customers came directly to us with their cleaning problems and also with their feedback about our products. Through this dialog with our customers we've learned a lot and with every suggestion, we've continually made our products better. Thats why restore products are proven performance leaders and have continually attracted more customers who love the way they clean.

We have recyclable or closed-looped program?

We are always happy to take the components back in order to recycle/reuse them and we have many "local" customers that drop components back off at our facility. Though we accept the components back, unfortunately don't have any programs to assist in returning them (i.e. sending a return label). Our cost structure does not incorporate the shipping expense of sending components back in the mail. Instead we have chosen to keep our initial costs as low as possible in order to get this biodegradable product into customers hands. 


Are the products available for sale to businesses and institutions?

Yes, restore products are marketed to many businesses. To inquire about restore commercial products or to receive a commercial product and price list, just email us at sales@restorenaturals.com

How to I get food and pet stains out of my carpet or upholstery?

Nothing works better than Enzaway Stain Remover. Just dilute it 1:1 or use full strength. Blot wet stains with a dry cloth to remove as much of the staining as possible. Then spray or apply Enzaway and leave on the surface until the stain has disappeared. Keep the area wet. You may need to re-apply Enzaway depending on the severity of the stain. After the stain is gone, blot with a clean cloth and plain water to remove any Enzaway or residue. Enzaway removes food stains including mustard, red wine, chocolate, coffee, berries, organic stains including perspiration, blood, pet feces and urine, as well as, outdoor stains from dirt, grass and plants.

How do I remove stains from clothes?

Enzaway can be added directly to your wash, or used as a pre-soak (1/2 cup Enzaway to 1 gallon water). Let soak in a small pan or sink for 30 minutes, even overnight for tough stains.

Are any of the products considered a disinfectant?

Restore Natural’s formulas have been developed to be eco-friendly and we stand by our claims to be derived from plants, non-toxic and bio-degradable. In order to have those qualities, we cannot include the one ingredient that makes a formula a disinfectant. However, the majority act of cleaning is done by spraying and “rubbing and wiping” your hands or a countertop which removes 99% of germs. The disinfect kills the remaining 1% but is synthetically derived and not natural. If we were to add this to our products we would not be considered safe to humans and the environment.

I tried Enzaway on a grease stain from my bicycle chain and it didn't work. Why?

Grease stains, or stains containing foods that contain vegetable oils (pasta sauce, pizza, etc.) need to be removed with a degreasing agent. Enzaway is designed to remove protein and organic based stains, but when there is grease, either from petroleum sources or food, you may need to use restore all-purpose cleaner (dilute 1 part all-purpose cleaner to 1-4 parts water or use full strength depending on the severity of the stain). For clothes, carpet and upholstery, blot carefully with diluted all-purpose cleaner so as not to spread the stain. Rinse or blot with clear water. If some dirt or food residue remains, you may try Enzaway to remove the rest of the stain.

How do I remove mold from my bathroom fixtures?

Controlling the humidity in your bathroom is the key to preventing mold. Make sure you have a fan that vents to the outside of the bathroom and that you use it when taking a shower or bath. To remove the mold that has developed, use a weak solution of bleach (1 part bleach to 5 parts water) and apply it to the area where there is mold. Even though we do not like to use bleach, it is the only sure solution to eliminating mold. Please use gloves and make sure the area is well ventilated. If it is on the grout, apply to grout with small brush and let sit. Scrub the area afterward with diluted all purpose cleaner or all surface cleaner and rinse. Remember that the mold will return if the moisture problem or humidity is not corrected.

How do I remove lime and scale buildup on my fiberglass shower and door?

Spray or apply Bathroom Lime & Scale Remover with a rag until well coated. Let sit on the surface for at least 30 minutes. You may need to re-apply and repeat the process for stubborn lime & scale buildup. Rinse well with plain water. For ongoing problems and to prevent scale buildup, use Bathroom Lime & Scale Remover between regular cleanings with all purpose cleaner or All Surface Cleaner. Remember Bathroom Lime & Scale Remover must be rinsed and is for use only where mineral buildup is the problem.

How can I safely clean my oven without burning my hands and inhaling noxious fumes?

Grill & Oven Cleaner is designed to do the job without the hazardous ingredients. It is important to apply the product liberally to the inside of the oven or grill. The product can sit from 30 minutes to overnight, depending on the severity of the problem. After the grease and soot is loosened, scrub with a fine steel wool or 3M pad designed to pick up the gunk, without scratching the surfaces. This process may have to be repeated. Grill & Oven Cleaner has worked very well in commercial kitchens where oven cleaning is a weekly job. In order to best maintain your oven, wipe up spills between use and even use Grill & Oven Cleaner immediately after a spill or splatter occurs. Be careful not to get Grill & Oven Cleaner on painted or wood surfaces.

My hands and body seem to get very chapped and dry from washing them. Could it be the hand soap I use?

For people with sensitive skin, it's hard to continually be washing their hands or skin. The irritation of the water alone, when done repeatedly, can be irritating. Restore Gentle Soap is a time tested product that really works to get skin clean without drying it. Our ingredients are gentle and we've got the testimonials to prove it.

Would the All Surface Cleaner work on floors?

In other words, using All Surface Cleaner can effectively remove dirt and grime from floors, but it won't provide a polishing effect. This versatile product is suitable for various hard surfaces, such as sealed wood and tile. However, it's crucial to ensure that the sprayed areas are thoroughly wiped and dried to avoid any lingering moisture on the floor.

Can you tell me if Gentle Soap is effective as a shampoo?

Absolutely! It has proven to be a great option for many people, especially those who have experienced allergic reactions to various shampoos. The soap's base formula includes similar hair-cleansing ingredients typically found in shampoos. However, it's important to keep in mind that Gentle Soap does not function as a conditioner. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with a conditioner for optimal results. Another noteworthy aspect is that it doesn't produce a foamy lather or suds like traditional shampoos, so it's best to adjust your expectations accordingly.

What do I do if my family member swallows a cleaning product?

The number one cause of household poisoning in children is caused by cleaning products, either from swallowing, skin contact or breathing in the toxic fumes. If this happens in your household, seek medical help. Before calling Emergency, or Poison Control get the following information: Person's age, weight, and condition; name of the product (and ingredients and strengths, if known); time it was swallowed; amount swallowed.

Your local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222) From anywhere in the United States. This national hotline will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does not need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Swallowing such poisons can have severe effects on many parts of the body. Burns in the airway or gastrointestinal tract can lead to tissue death. This may result in infection, shock, and death, even several months after substance was swallowed. Scar tissue in the affected areas can lead to long-term problems with breathing, swallowing, and digestion.

If the poison is breathed in (inhaled or aspirated), the following can occur: breathing problems, collapsed lung, headache, etc. And either inhalation or ingestion can cause an immune reaction that can lead to multiple chemical sensitivities.

Remember, an ounce of prevention is the best remedy, store cleaning products in a locked cabinet. Follow label instructions for proper use and ventilation. Avoid mixing different cleaning agents as some combinations can produce toxic fumes. AND to avoid serious health consequences from accidental ingestion or aspiration use cleaning products, like RESTORE NATURALS, which are formulated without hazardous ingredients. But remember, cleaning products, even when made safer, are not meant for human consumption and should be used with care and not without supervision around children.

Is there one product I can use for most everything?

The “simple living” trend encourages people to prioritize the essentials and minimize excess and consumerism. It asks us to look at ways we can declutter, reduce waste and focus on sustainability to reduce stress and environmental impact. In fact, back in the day, there were only three cleaners in every household, an all-purpose cleaner which could be diluted according to need, dish soap for washing dishes by hand, and laundry detergent.

But today, television ads and marketing campaigns would prefer us to believe that we need highly diluted ready-to-use counter cleaners, floor cleaners and bathroom cleaners, meaning we have more products under the sink, and most are 80-95 percent water. Bottom line, ready- to-use cleaners create more plastic bottles to pollute the environment, and costly, environmentally harmful impacts from shipping products that contain mostly water. Yes, ready to use products are convenient, and RESTORE NATURALS offer them, but for people looking for ways to simplify their lives and carbon footprint, we encourage our concentrated products that reduce packaging and shipping cost, like our Laundry and All-Purpose Cleaner.

Since 1991, we offered one of the first concentrated laundry detergents – doing 128 loads of wash per half gallon. And it’s still that way. Just put one ounce of RESTORE NATURALS LAUNDRY DETERGENT in a load of laundry and you’re ready to go. Even less is required for a high efficiency model. Save money and the environment.

A good all-purpose cleaner is just as its name implies, good for most everything. But one thing to keep in mind is that most all-purpose cleaners have an alkaline pH to cut grease. The problem is that alkalinity will also etch your marble, corrode metals that aren’t stainless steel and be hard on natural wood floors. RESTORE NATURAL’S ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER, is pH Neutral and concentrated, so it can be highly diluted to clean windows, mop wood floors, make a ready-to-use counter cleaner, even wash the lawn chairs or your car.

Just check out the labels for instructions. Not only will you be walking a little lighter on the planet, but you will be simplifying your life and saving money! You could even use it to wash your dishes, but for a little more grease cutting power. You really should try our DISH DETERGENT. A bit gentler on your hands.

Don’t I need to use disinfectants to protect my family from germs?

Even before COVID -19, cleaning product manufacturers would have us believe that household disinfectants should be in everything, even our hand soap. It’s a great way to sell another product (called “product extensions” in marketing). But are they necessary?

The truth is, disinfectants work ONLY AFTER a surface has been cleaned. Professional cleaning crews know that before disinfecting a surface, the surface must be free of dirt, dust and soil buildup. Once clean, the disinfectant should be applied to the surface and allowed to dry, staying in contact with the clean surface for 5-10 minutes, following label instructions. But other than professional cleaning crews, who really follows these necessary steps.

We are informed that 98% of germs and pathogens are removed by simply cleaning the surface. Same with hand washing. Simply sing one 20 second round of Happy Birthday while you wash your hands with soap and water and you’re good to go. Hand sanitizers are meant to be used on clean hands, not rubbed on dirty hands. When disinfectants are not used like they were intended, we expose ourselves to the toxicity of the disinfectant for no real benefit. Because disinfectants are toxic, some more than others.

Disinfectants are made of quaternary ammonium compounds (quats), chlorine compounds (bleach), phenolic compounds and alcohol. It is crucial to consider the potential environmental and health impacts of these products. Quats are classified as pesticides and are commonly used as disinfectants. Bleach is not good for sewer or septic and having potential health implications, also is carries a risk of being mixed with cleaning products containing ammonia, which can create a deadly gas. Alcohol is probably the least toxic ingredient used to disinfect, but it is an inhalation risk and probably not the best thing to constantly be using on your skin where it can be absorbed.

Remember, cleaning the surface well must be done before a disinfectant can be effective, and if you do that, chances are you’ve already removed all of the germs. If you are dealing with taking care of a sick person or disinfecting a surface for health or food prep, then clean the surface well, then apply the disinfectant and let it air dry, so the disinfectant has appropriate dwell time. Anything less than that is a waste of your time, money and let’s face it, spraying or applying pesticides, alcohol or bleach to your body or around the house is simply not good for your health. In fact, most MSD sheets for disinfectants suggest you ventilate well and wear rubber gloves when using.

Are cleaning products bad for the environment?

Good question, and one often asked, but our answer varies depending on how we define environment. So, for purposes of addressing this question more thoroughly, let’s break environment down into two important, but different categories: Indoor and Outdoor.

Prior to COVID-19, research suggested that people in the developed countries spend 90% of their time indoors, whether at home, at work or in other indoor settings. During COVID, that number was probably even higher. Needless to say,keeping that environment (especially the air) clean and free of toxins is critical to good health. Indoor air pollution refers to contaminants in the air in enclosed spaces and can have an adverse effect on human health. Cleaning products, while is important keeping surfaces clean and germ free, often contain ingredients that can pollute the air and endanger health.

Some examples of indoor air pollutants are disinfectants that contain alcohol, bleach and quat based ingredients; window cleaners that contain ammonia; all purpose cleaners and furniture polishes that contain hazardous and volatile solvents; and last, but certainly not least, many cleaners, air fresheners, laundry and dryer products that contain artificial scents.

Recent studies have indicated that over 25% of the U.S. population suffer from MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). Common symptoms of MCS can vary widely, but often include, respiratory issues, rashes, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, nausea and more. Individuals who have MCS take measures to reduce chemical exposures from ingredients found in cleaning products; they use unscented cleaning products; and they avoid artificial air fresheners. Cleaning products are a major source of chemical culprits related to MCS. At RESTORE NATURALS, we avoid these hazardous ingredients for safer indoor air.

Homeowners who have septic systems are well aware that proper maintenance is crucial to prevent costly repairs and environmental contamination. One important consideration is to keep the beneficial microbes and bacteria alive in the septic system so they can do their job of breaking down waste. To accomplish this, it is important not to flush antibacterial agents, like bleach, disinfectants or toxic solvents and cleaning agents into the septic system.

By using ONLY products that are sewer and septic safe, like RESTORE NATURALS, you also protect the groundwater and create safer puddles when using outdoors. So when you are washing your car, deck or outdoor furniture, remember this, if the ingredients in your cleaners are hazardous to humans, they are also hazardous to the birds, bees, frogs and pets.

Are we Vegan?

While we don’t explicitly market our products as “vegan,” none of the ingredients in our formulas are derived from animal sources.